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Ruby by Ruth Ryan Langan

Once again Langan proves that she has earned her place in the romantic land of Texas. This book is simply a dazzle and I don’t believe I need to say more. From the Bayou to the rough plains of Texas. This book is a must read.

I believe this is going to be the shortest review I ever wrote. You simply gotta read it to feel it.

My unfailing love to Ruth Langan and The Jewels of Texas.

Read on

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Jade by Ruth Ryan Langan

This third book in ‘The Jewels of Texas’ has rekindled my faith in Ruth Langan. After reading ‘Pearl’ and the not so satisfactory feel I got from it, I wasn’t so sure if Ryan deserved as much accolades or praise I was giving her but, because I had already started my review on the books int the jewels of Texas, I figured I should just go on ahead with it. The truth is I had already ‘Diamond’ and ‘Pearl’ , but this particular book that is ‘Jade’, I was not able to get it. So, I moved to the next  book that is ‘Ruby’ which I will be reviewing later but because I did not want to disappoint my good followers and readers, I did everything possible to get an online copy of ‘Jade’ Read here. from open library where I borrowed the book and I used my free hour of Tuesday and all of yesterday, which was a holiday. But after reading this book I must admit that Ruth, my faith in you has been restored  I don’t want to use the cliché this book is interesting this book is good but, its all that and more. Especially after reading the previous book. When you look at the story of Jade and Nevada the gunslinger now turned priest. From the beginning of the story you could read the attraction in between the lines, the thing about this book is it did not follow the traditional storytelling of romance books. Cos most of the plot, I was not expecting and that is speaking volumes cos usually when I read a book, I’m able to predict what will happen before I get there and I’m like ‘Aah I knew it’. But with this book, apart from the obvious which was that Jade and Nevada would end up together, there was not a single scene that I could predict. And I’m really glad that I read this book, I was also moved by the story of Nevada. how he lost his family. Of course, I had guessed that with all this mystery there would be a heartbreaking story behind it, but I never imagined that it could actually be like that. And the stories were so intertwined and you are never really able to predict anything. This book is an enthralling read and I must say that with this one you could feel the emotions, the emotions were so palpable you could touch them. And let me say that when it got to the part where the widow had to make her confessions, I was actually in tears. I believe this book is great, I don’t know if I should say almost as great because that would underscore it, but its so much better written that in reality, I think this book is even better written than Diamond, which is in fact the first book that hooked me to Ruth Langan, I’m really impressed. And its no wonder it was so difficult to get it. I believe I’m gonna read it again after the review. There is a lot of morality issues in this book . Because now we have a case where a supposed preacher is in love with a woman that society frowns on, that brings some concrete concerns cos as you might have already guessed from the two previous books, the town of hanging tree is a town that’s not so open minded. You can not do whatever you like without offending the sensibility of the good people of the town. So Ruth really did well working around this issue of the town preacher and the town madam without any of them having to to give up on what I will call their their calling. Ruth managed to bring them together without either of them forsaking their calling I that was great. Nevada ended up being the town preacher that he felt he was meant to be and Jade got the chance to offer service to the people as she had been trained to. And even thought the service was not in line with what she had trained for, it was service nonetheless and they both fulfilled their calling. That was really good so in this case as it proves that you dont have to change who you are to win in love. You see that nobody had to give up anything but instead they had to face a lot of darkness and battle the ghost of their past and  forge their way forward without offending seeing the good relationship between jade and the workers of the golden dragon the family relationship. This book is really god and I m glad ie had the opportunity to read it.

You can also read it on Open library with the Read here link provided above in this review to form your own opinion. Thank you.

Posted in harlequin historical, Romance, romance novels, texas novels, Uncategorized

Pearl by Ruth Ryan Langan

This is the second book in “The Jewels of Texas”, the first being “Diamond”; click the link to read the review; Pearl as the title suggests, revolves around Pearl Jewel, who is trying hard to fit into a town that is in every way imaginable different from what she grew up knowing.

Pearl, the beautiful Bostonian who would love nothing more than to make a home in the land where her father once lived and loved, will stop at nothing to make her dream of giving the children of Hanging Tree a proper education. Even if it means going against the iron willed Cal McCabe.

Cal has had enough of the silly Jewel sisters who arrived from the big cities just to turn upside down everything that his former boss, Onyx Jewel had built with his sweat. And Pearl’s ridiculous idea of a school house on Jewel land is simply the last straw. He will do everything in his power to keep her from opening their land to the greedy people such as Rollie Ingram who think they have a right to Jewel property.

Except, none of these two ever imagined falling in love with each other. In this book, Langan makes the Texas life seem so simple while still portraying the hardships that the people face each day. You are therefore left with no reason to criticize the townspeople when they build up a strong opposition to Pearl’s idea of a school.

I must confess that I was not as satisfied with “Pearl” as I was with “Diamond” but on the whole, it was interesting to watch them give into the love they felt for each other. And I was touched by how they are willing to accept the Ingram children in spite of everything. If I have to be honest with myself and everyone, I believe I shall grade it four out of five. I guess it is because “Diamond” set a really high standard and i was therefore expecting more.

On the whole, “Pearl” is an interesting read and I’m glad I read it. I look forward to sharing my opinion on the rest of the books in this series with you. You can also share your opinions and suggestions in the comment section. And please do not forget to rate this. Thank you.

Posted in harlequin historical, Romance, romance novels, texas novels, Uncategorized

Diamond by Ruth Langan

This book is the first in the series “The Jewels of Texas.” But, like the rest of the other books in this series, it is a stand alone. it is a complete story on its own and you don’t have to read the other books in the series to get it. And just like the other books, it is eponymous, the book title is the name of the main character.
I have decided to talk about this book because, as you may already know from my earlier post, it was one of the many books that influenced my love for romance novels.

This book is about a young woman who has to battle not only with grief over her father’s murder, but also the sudden arrival of unknown family coupled with the least wanted love.
The book begins with the mysterious murder of Onyx Jewel, Diamond’s pa. Onyx’s death leaves Diamond as the sole heir to the vast Jewel ranching empire in Hanging Tree, Texas. Or so everyone thought.
As she begins to take charge of her ranch with the help of her able foreman Cal MaCabe, sisters of whom she had no idea of also begin to arrive one by one, revealing a tiny secret about the pa whom she thought she had known so well. And they came from such different parts of the world! Each having absolutely no idea of the other except the one recent heir they had read of in the newspapers, Diamond!
With the arrival of each sister, Diamond is thrown deeper into a turmoil and she seeks solace in the arms of the man whom she is bent on punishing for her pa’s murder, Adam Winter.
Adam has ghosts of his own and, he is not about to add Onyx Jewel or his green eyed temptress of a daughter to them. But one look into those green eyes and he is captured forever. Can he free himself and still prove to Diamond that he has no hand in her pa’s murder?
This book is simply unputdownable to say the least, and it keeps you in such great suspense! It is so well written and yet so simple without any confusing scenarios. And there is so much humor generated from how Diamond tries to manage her newly found sisters and her newly discovered feelings for a man she is supposed to only hate. I believe that as the first book I had ever read by Ruth Langan, it has hooked me to this author forever. Simple yet entertaining.
To form your own opinion, you can get a copy of the book from any bookstore. I will also make sure to update this post with a link for a copy of the book when i find one. Thank you for reading and don’t forget to add your comments and rates.